
The main service of Sunday worship is at 11am every Sunday.

The worship includes hymns, prayers, Bible readings from Old and New Testaments, a choir anthem, and usually a challenging sermon.

 The main service includes the sacrament of Holy Communion one Sunday of every month.  Please see What's On for details of when Holy Communion is scheduled. All who love the Lord Jesus Christ are welcome to share fully in this sacrament, which includes the sharing of bread and wine (non-alcoholic).

 The Children’s Church is at the same time each Sunday (excepting Summer holidays). Children attend the beginning of the service and then go out for their own supervised activities after the second hymn. Teaching makes use of a publication called Roots, which is used by many other denominations and provides a variety of thought-provoking activities for a mixture of ages.

 There are intermittent Bible study groups . Please contact us for details of when the next group will meet. Again all are welcome, whether regular members of the congregation or not.



St Andrew’s is also the home of the Wengelawit Lutheran Church of Eritrea.

The Lutheran church holds its service for Sunday worship at 2pm every Sunday.

For more information please contact Bereket Menghistu at the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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